You can help propel translation of God’s Word in many languages in Southeast Asia, through your gift to the Wycliffe Thai Foundation (featured in this issue ofWord Alive). Here are the basic details of this important Bible translation partnership, which you can support through Wycliffe Canada.
Name: Wycliffe Thai Foundation
Location: Thailand and bordering Southeast Asian nations
Language Groups: More than 300 in the region
Overview: Wycliffe Thai Foundation is encouraging, facilitating and championing Bible translation among Thailand’s Christian community. As they engage young people in all aspects of Bible translation, literacy and use of translated Scriptures, they are answering God’s call to the nations around them. The Thai church is key to seeing missions advance in the region. The director of Wycliffe Thai Foundation explains, “We are Thai. We can easily learn neighbouring languages and adjust to their cultures.”
Timeline: Ongoing
Your donation today helps spread God’s Word through Wycliffe Thai Foundation ministries!
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Call 1-800-463-1143 toll free and indicate your gift is for “Wycliffe Thai Foundation.”