You can help advance Bible distribution, literacy, Scripture-based training and more in south Peru, through your gift to ATEK (featured in this issue of Word Alive). Here are the details of this important partnership with the Quechua people, which you can support through your gifts to Wycliffe Canada.
Name: ATEK
Location: South Peru, South America
Language Group: Cusco Quechua
Overview: The Cusco Quechua Bible was published in 1988—but until about 10 years ago, few Quechuas were able to read it. Today, thousands of Cusco Quechua-speakers can read God’s Word and apply it to their lives, thanks to a local Peruvian organization, the “Association that Shines the Gospel to the Quechua-speaking World” (whose Quechua name is shortened using the acronym ATEK).
ATEK promotes the use of the Cusco Quechua Bible in Quechua-speaking churches and communities through literacy programs, workshops for church leaders and married couples, children’s programs and educational publications. ATEK has a long track record of strengthening Quechua churches and individual believers through its diverse and compassionate ministries.
Timeline: 2006 – present
Funding Need for 2015: $84,120
Donate today to help promote the use of God’s Word in Peru!
• Give online at
• Call 1-800-463-1143 toll free and indicate your gift is for ATEK.