Featured Partnership

Priority Projects Fund

(Photo: Alan Hood)

"We have heard about Jesus in other languages. Today, He has come to our own village for the first time, for He speaks our own language." 

- A Bali speaker in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, after watching the “JESUS” film in his own language. In all four locations where the film was shown, crowds of people dedicated their lives to Christ. Your gift can help change a life for eternity.

Through the Priority Projects Fund, Wycliffe Bible Translators of Canada helped fund translation of the book of Luke, the text used to produce the “JESUS” film, for Bali speakers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This powerful movie is often used to present the gospel to an entire community for the first time. People hear Jesus speaking their language—with their accent!

Give to the Priority Projects Fund, and help share the Good News with more people in the language they understand best.

Wycliffe Canada created the Priority Projects Fund because Bible translation needs and opportunities sometimes arise suddenly. The fund gives us the ability to respond quickly to these kinds of needs because the money is already in place. For example, other funding sponsors may stop supporting a project and we are asked to cover the shortfall.


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