Alan Hood

Unexpected Assistance

This past February, Scholar Sugera (ABOVE, STANDING) started helping the Brignalls learn the Tairaha language. She’s the daughter of translator Ben Wasimane—and the family quickly realized she excels at working with language. But they also knew Scholar was going into nursing, and they didn’t want to complicate that. The next day, Lorae asked Scholar when her nursing classes would start.

 Scholar sighed. “Something really hard has happened,” she said slowly in Pijin. “The money to pay for my university classes didn’t come in time, and registration has closed. I won’t be able to go to school this year.”

 “I’m so sorry,” Lorae said. “That’s really hard.”

 Then, after a prayerful pause, she continued.

“Scholar, Naaman and I were not going to ask you about this, because we didn't want to take you away from your nursing, but we think you would be a really good addition to the Tairaha translation team. We would love to sponsor you to take some translation training classes here in Honiara. Does that interest you?”

 “Yes!” Scholar cried with excitement.

 Details came together quickly. Scholar will live with the Brignalls and work toward a diploma in biblical studies— which will provide a huge boost to the translation project. Meanwhile, she’ll continue teaching the family her language as they anticipate moving to the island of Makira.

“God’s provision in this is breathtaking,” Lorae says.


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To help steer Bible translation in the Solomon Islands, a Canadian makes some hard choices.